Upcoming Brush Truck Safety & Tactics @ Riverhead

This course is designed to teach the Wildland / Urban Interface and fighting brush fires with specialized apparatus.  The Standing Orders and Watchouts are reviewed during the lecture.  Instruction includes the various types of brush fire apparatus and defining their limitations and capabilities.  Strategy and tactics of fighting wildland fires are discussed and history of these types of fires in our region. The safe operation and driving techniques are presented as well as the different methods of fire attack.

Prerequisites: FFI or Basic Exterior Firefighter.

Please note: This is a lecture course only. There are no certificates issued upon completion.


  •  Sunday, March 30, 2025
     8:00 am - 11:00 am


Location Phone: 631-727-2751

Location Website:

540 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York, 11901, United States

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